Descargar Remarkable Creatures (English Edition) de Tracy Chevalier PDF ePub

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Remarkable Creatures (English Edition) de Tracy Chevalier

Descripción - ‘A stunning story’ Guardian‘Vivid and engrossing’ Financial TimesI don’t remember there ever being a time when I weren’t out upon beach. Mam used to say the window was open when I was born, and the first thing I saw when they held me up was the sea.Mary Anning may be young and uneducated, but she has “the eye”. Scouring the windswept Jurassic coast near Lyme Regis, she find the fossils nobody else can, making discoveries that will shake the scientific world of the early 19th century. But science is a male-dominated arena, and there are many who disapprove…She finds an unlikely champion in prickly Elizabeth Philpot: unmarried, middle-aged and middle class, and a fellow fossil enthusiast. If they can weather differences in their age and standing, and overcome professional envy, will true friendship prove the rarest find of all?

Detalles del Libro

Autor: Tracy Chevalier
Categoria: Tienda Kindle,eBooks Kindle,eBooks en idiomas extranjeros
Tapa blanda: 1884 KB
Editor: HarperCollins (24 de agosto de 2009)
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 7178379
ISBN-13: 978-0007178377

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