Gratis Virginia Woolf and the Materiality of Theory: Sex, Animal, Life de Derek Ryan PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Virginia Woolf and the Materiality of Theory: Sex, Animal, Life de Derek Ryan

Descripción - Críticas Ryan offers a series of nuanced, sensitive readings (attentive even down to the level of punctuation) of materialities and animalities in Woolf's writing [and] provides a fresh, vigorous reading-together of Woolf and theory that is deeply rewarding for the Woolf scholar, and to the wider community of scholars in literary studies and beyond. -- Lauren Elkin, Modernism/modernity 21.3, Sep 2014 Virginia Woolf and the Materiality of Theory is a brilliant romp through the venues of contemporary philosophical approaches to literature. It is clear that Derek Ryan is a harbinger of a new wave in Woolf studies, attentive to past scholarship but dedicated to the proposition that the union of Woolf's own theorizing with a whole new range of philosophical approaches will produce a more nuanced and refined appreciation of life as we know it. -- Elisa K. Sparks, Clemson University, South Carolina Review 47.1, 2014 Derek Ryan revitalizes theoretical approaches to reading modernist literature [and] contributes rich and timely readings Virginia Woolf and the Materiality of Theory demonstrates an impressive command of contemporary theories of materiality as well as an intimate knowledge of Woolf's novels and essays a welcome interruption of critical trends that would dispense with theory. -- Annie Dwyer, University of Washington, Woolf Studies Annual 20, 2014 This book explores Woolf's writing alongside Deleuzian philosophy and new materialist theories of sexuality, animality, and posthuman life. How does Virginia Woolf conceptualise the material world? In what ways has Woolf's modernism affected understandings of materiality, and what new perspectives does she offer contemporary theoretical debates? Derek Ryan demonstrates how materiality is theorised in Woolf's writings by focusing on the connections she makes between culture and nature, embodiment and environment, human and nonhuman, life and matter. Through close readings of texts including To the Lighthouse, Orlando, A Room of One's Own, The Waves, Flush, and 'Sketch of the Past', he details the fresh insights Woolf provides into issues concerning the natural world, sexual difference, sexuality, animality, and life itself. Ryan opens up Woolf studies to new theoretical paradigms by placing Woolf in dialogue with Gilles Deleuze - who cites her modernist aesthetics as exemplary of some of his most important philosophical concepts - as well as eminent contemporary theorists including Rosi Braidotti, Donna Haraway, Karen Barad, and Jane Bennett, all of whom have influenced the recent critical turn towards new materialisms. Locating theory within Woolf's writing as well as locating Woolf within theory, Virginia Woolf and the Materiality of Theory: Sex, Animal, Life brings her modernism firmly into to the foreground of current debates in literary studies, feminist philosophy, queer theory, animal studies and posthumanities. Biografía del autor Derek Ryan is Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Exeter.

Detalles del Libro

Autor: Derek Ryan
Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Historia, teoría literaria y crítica
Tapa blanda: 232 páginas
Editor: PAPERBACKSHOP UK IMPORT (30 de agosto de 2015)
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 1474402348
ISBN-13: 978-1474402347

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virginia woolf and the materiality of theory sex animal ~ this thesis explores the various ways in which woolfs oeuvre engages with new theories of materiality focusing in particular on conceptualisations of sex animal and life. this entails consring woolfs work in both textual and extratextual human and nonhuman contexts and placing her in dialogue with theoreticalbates which have marked a shift since the mid90som the focus on .
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virginia woolf and the materiality of theory edinburgh ~ derek ryan revitalizes theoretical approaches to reading mrnist literature and contributes rich and timely readings virginia woolf and the materiality of theorymonstrates an impressivemand of contemporary theories of materiality as well as an intimate knowledge of woolfs novels and essays a wee interruption of critical trends that would dispense with theory.

animal theory edinburgh university press ~ derek ryan is senior lecturer in mrnist literature at the university of kent. he is author of animal theory a critical introduction 2015 and virginia woolf and the materiality of theory sex animal life 2013 and has coedited several volumes including the handbook to the bloomsbury group 2018 and reading literary animals medieval to mrn 2019.

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animal theory a critical introductionrek ryan ~ derek ryan is lecturer in mrnist literature at the university of kent and author of virginia woolf and the materiality of theory sex animal life edinburgh university press 2013. his other publications incl articles and essays thatbine interests in mrnism philosophy and animal studies.
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