LIBRO The Narration of Hacking in Oroonoko (English Edition) de Terri Sherman PDF ePub
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The Narration of Hacking in Oroonoko (English Edition) de Terri Sherman
Descripción - The novel Oroonoko, by Aphra Behn, explores the tragic experience of Oroonoko as he is reduced from an admired prince to an unfortunate slave. In this essay, the narration of hacking is explored by examining the three instances in which the hacking takes place: first, by the Indians’ competition for war captain; second, by Oroonoko’s killing of Imoinda; and lastly, at Oroonoko’s execution.
Detalles del Libro
Autor: Terri Sherman
Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Historia, teorÃa literaria y crÃtica
Tapa blanda: 87 KB
Idioma: Inglés
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