Descargar Gratis My Year Of Rest And Relaxation de Ottessa Moshfegh PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
Gratis My Year Of Rest And Relaxation de Ottessa Moshfegh PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descargar Gratis My Year Of Rest And Relaxation Spanish Edition

My Year Of Rest And Relaxation de Ottessa Moshfegh
Autor: Ottessa MoshfeghCategoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Ficción femenina
Tapa blanda: 304 páginas
Editor: Random House Uk; Edición: 01 (2 de mayo de 2019)
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 1784707422
ISBN-13: 978-1784707422
Descripción - Críticas "The book that everybody’s talking about… I read it and was entranced." (The Times)"This is the first book I couldn’t put down this year… Almost offensive with its close-to-the-bone truths, it’s shockingly relatable. And legitimately laugh-out-loud funny. Ottessa Moshfegh is sharp, savage and hilarious. " (Isabel Dexter Elle)"The superabundantly talented...Moshfegh’s sentences are piercing and vixenish… she is always a deep pleasure to read." (New York Times)"My Year of Rest and Relaxation is whip-smart, continuously compelling, and acerbic in all the right ways." (Daily Telegraph)"Electrifying... [Moshfegh] is adept at crafting compelling female characters who violate the rules of femininity... Moshfegh’s protagonist is an unlikely revolutionary." (Vanity Fair) FROM THE MAN BOOKER-SHORTLISTED AUTHOR OF EILEENTHE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'Savage, funny, frequently on the verge of teetering into lunacy... My Year of Rest and Relaxation is a non-negotiable in your holiday carry-on this summer' VogueIt’s the year 2000 in a city aglitter with wealth and possibility; what could be so terribly wrong?Our narrator has many of the advantages of life: Young, thin, pretty, a recent Columbia graduate, she lives in an apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan paid for, like everything else, by her inheritance. But there is a vacuum at the heart of things, and it isn’t just the loss of her parents in college, or the way her Wall Street boyfriend treats her, or her sadomasochistic relationship with her alleged best friend.Blackly funny, both merciless and compassionate – dangling its legs over the ledge of 9/11 – My Year of Rest and Relaxation is a showcase for the gifts of one of America’s major young writers. Biografía del autor Ottessa Moshfegh has written four previous books: McGlue (2014); Eileen, which was awarded the 2016 PEN/Hemingway Award and shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize; Homesick for Another World (2017); and My Year of Rest and Relaxation (2018), which was shortlisted for the Wellcome Book Prize and will be filmed by Yorgos Lanthimos, the Oscar-winning director of The Favourite.
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