Descargar The Millstone (Penguin Decades) de Margaret Drabble libros ebooks
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The Millstone (Penguin Decades) de Margaret Drabble
Autor: Margaret DrabbleCategoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Literatura mundial
Tapa blanda: 176 páginas
Editor: Penguin (1 de abril de 2010)
Colección: Penguin Decades
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 141041722
ISBN-13: 978-0141041728
Descripción - A celebration of the drama and intensity of the mother-child relationship, Margaret Drabble'sThe Millstone won the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize in 1965.It is the Swinging Sixties, and Rosamund Stacey is young and inexperienced at a time when sexual liberation is well on its way. She conceals her ignorance beneath a show of independence, and becomes pregnant as a result of a one night stand. Although single parenthood is still not socially acceptable, she chooses to have the baby rather than to seek an illegal abortion, and finds her life transformed by motherhood. Penguin Decades bring you the novels that helped shape modern Britain. When they were published, some were bestsellers, some were considered scandalous, and others were simply misunderstood. All represent their time and helped define their generation, while today each is considered a landmark work of storytelling.'Rosamund is marvellous, a true Drabble heroine . . . what spirit is here' Sunday Times'One of our foremost women writers' Guardian'The novelist who will have done for late twentieth-century London what Dickens did for Victorian London' The New York TimesMargaret Drabble was born in 1939 in Sheffield, Yorkshire, the daughter of barrister and novelist John F. Drabble, and sister of novelist A.S. Byatt. She is the author of eighteen novels and eight works of non-fiction, including biographies of Arnold Bennett and Angus Wilson. Her many novels include The Radiant Way (1987), A Natural Curiosity (1989), The Gates of Ivory (1991), The Peppered Moth (2000), The Seven Sisters (2002) and The Red Queen (2004) all of which are published by Penguin. In 1980, Margaret Drabble was made a CBE and in 2008 she was made DBE. She is married to the biographer Michael Holroyd, and lives in London and Somerset. Biografía del autor Margaret Drabble was born in Sheffield in 1939 and read English at Cambridge. She was awarded a DBE in 2008. Since the 1960s she has written 17 novels - The Millstone was her third - and she has also edited two editions of The Oxford Companion to English Literature. She is married to the biographer Michael Holroyd.
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