Leer en linea Death at Eden's End (A DCI Satterthwaite Mystery Book 2) (English Edition) de Jo Allen Libro PDF, ePub, Mobile

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Death at Eden's End (A DCI Satterthwaite Mystery Book 2) (English Edition) de Jo Allen

Death at Eden's End (A DCI Satterthwaite Mystery Book 2) (English Edition) de Jo Allen

Autor: Jo Allen
Categoria: Tienda Kindle,eBooks Kindle,eBooks en idiomas extranjeros
Tapa blanda: 1951 KB
Editor: Aria (12 de diciembre de 2019)
Idioma: Inglés
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Descripción - A brand new DCI Jude Satterthwaite crime mystery from the bestselling Jo Allen. When one-hundred-year-old Violet Ross is found dead at Eden's End, a luxury care home hidden in a secluded nook of the Lake District's Eden Valley it's tragic, of course, but not unexpected. Except for the instantly recognisable look in her lifeless eyes... that of pure terror. DCI Jude Satterthwaite heads up the investigation, but as the deaths start to mount up it's clear that he, and DS Ashleigh O'Halloran need to uncover a long-buried secret before the killer strikes again... The second in the unmissable, Lake District-set, DCI Jude Satterthwaite series.

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