Lee un libro All This I Will Give to You de Dolores Redondo Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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All This I Will Give to You de Dolores Redondo

All This I Will Give to You de Dolores Redondo

Autor: Dolores Redondo
Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Literatura mundial
Tapa blanda: 494 páginas
Editor: Amazon Crossing (1 de septiembre de 2018)
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 1503902544
ISBN-13: 978-1503902541
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Descripción - The award-winning, international bestselling page-turner about the secrets and lies of one man that lead another into a treacherous house of strangers…When novelist Manuel Ortigosa learns that his husband, Álvaro, has been killed in a car crash, it comes as a devastating shock. It won’t be the last. He’s now arrived in Galicia. It’s where Álvaro died. It’s where the case has already been quickly closed as a tragic accident. It’s also where Álvaro hid his secrets.The man to whom Manuel was married for fifteen years was not the unassuming man he knew.Álvaro’s trail leads Manuel deep into one of Spain’s most powerful and guarded families. Behind the walls of their forbidding estate, Manuel is nothing but an unwelcome and dangerous intruder. Then he finds two allies: a stubbornly suspicious police lieutenant and Álvaro’s old friend—and private confessor—from seminary school. Together they’re collecting the pieces of Álvaro’s past, his double life, and his mysterious death.But in the shadows of nobility and privilege, Manuel is about to unravel a web of corruption and deception that could be as fatal a trap for him as it was for the man he loved. Biografía del autor Dolores Redondo studied law and the culinary arts before writing The Baztán Trilogy, a successful crime series set in the Basque Pyrenees that has sold over 1.5 million copies in Spanish, has been translated into more than thirty-five languages, and was adapted into a popular film series.Twice nominated for the CWA International Dagger Award and a finalist for the Grand Prix des Lectrices de Elle, Redondo was the recipient of the 2016 Premio Planeta—one of Spain’s most distinguished literary awards—for her stand-alone thriller All This I Will Give to You, which has also been optioned for feature film and television development and will be translated into eighteen languages.Readers who want to learn more about Dolores Redondo and her work can do so by visiting www.doloresredondo.com/en.

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